Footsie FTSE: What it Means and How it Works

what is the footsie index

Investors should be aware of the quarterly recalibration schedule to stay up to date with any changes to the index composition. Understanding the historical context of the FTSE 100 allows investors to appreciate its significance and track record of providing valuable insights. Next, let’s uncover more about the workings of this influential index and its impact on the UK investment landscape. The FTSE 100 Index has become the primary reference point for how the UK stock market is performing.

what is the footsie index

The value of the FTSE 250 accounts for about 15% of the total value of the U.K’s equity market. The performance of the two indexes at times paints a picture as to how the U.K economy is fairing. In conclusion, the FTSE 100 serves as a vital index for investors seeking exposure to the UK stock market. With its 100 largest constituent companies, it reflects the performance of major players across various sectors. Understanding the history, workings, and components of the FTSE 100 is crucial for investors looking to make informed decisions.

FTSE meaning

Investors can purchase exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or mutual funds that track the performance of the FTSE 100 index. These funds provide broad exposure to the entire FTSE 100, allowing investors to benefit from the overall performance of the index without being too concerned when an individual stock experiences negative volatility. Most importantly, however, it would need to be among the top 100 companies on the London Stock Exchange in terms of its market capitalization. Market capitalization is calculated by multiplying a company’s share price by its number of outstanding shares.

  1. The FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 make up the FTSE 350, and together with the FTSE SmallCap comprise the FTSE All-Share.
  2. While investing can seem very complex, opening a brokerage account and starting to invest is surprisingly easy.
  3. The FTSE 100 employs a market capitalization-weighted methodology, which means that companies with larger market capitalizations have a greater impact on the index’s movements as a percentage.
  4. This arguably makes the FTSE 250, which is mainly made up of domestic companies, a more accurate reflection of the health of the wider UK economy.
  5. You may want to look for areas of growth on the index and rejig the make-up of your portfolio accordingly.
  6. The performance of the FTSE 100 also paints a clear picture of current international and economic events given that a good number of companies in the index do business around the world.

That said each company listed in the index is allocated an adjustment factor depending on the amount of shares publicly traded. Just like other financial indexes around the world, FTSE 1000 is simply a measurement of the overall stock market in the U.K. Given the type of companies listed, and the index is commonly used to ascertain how various market segments are performing.


The index is designed to represent a diverse cross-section of the UK’s largest publicly listed companies, covering various sectors of the economy. Being included in the FTSE 100 is a prestigious achievement, indicating a company’s size, significance, and market influence. The FTSE 100 index is a capitalization-weighted index, which means that companies with larger market capitalizations have a greater influence on the index’s movements. As a result, changes in the share prices of larger companies will have a bigger impact on the overall index value compared to smaller companies.

So, when coming across references to Footsie 100, investors should rest assured that it’s simply another name for the FTSE 100. This arguably makes the FTSE 250, which is mainly made up of domestic companies, a more accurate reflection of the health of the wider UK economy. However, the FTSE 100 may not always be the best indicator of the health of the UK economy. Once deemed eligible for the FTSE 100, a company’s weighting would need to be calibrated.

Why Is the FTSE 100 Important for Investors? Copied Copy To Clipboard

The free float adjustment factor represents the percentage of all issued shares that are readily available for trading, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5%. The free-float capitalisation of a company is its market capitalisation multiplied by its free float adjustment factor. It therefore does not include restricted stocks, such as those held by company insiders. It’s important for investors to consider their investment goals, risk tolerance, time horizon and other preferences when deciding between index funds and individual stocks. Index funds offer broad market exposure and convenience, while individual stocks provide the opportunity for targeted investments and potential higher returns.

The FTSE 100 lists the top 100 companies by market cap, listed on the London Stock Exchange. The index seeks to provide a quick snapshot of the U.K stock market given its components which account for a huge percentage of the Kingdom’s total equity market value. For this reason, if the index is up, it means most people in the broader market are buying shares, and when it is down, it means people are dumping shares. The FTSE 100 employs a market capitalization-weighted methodology, which means that companies with larger market capitalizations have a greater impact on the index’s movements as a percentage. This approach ensures that the index reflects the relative size and importance of the constituent companies. As a result, the share prices and market values of larger companies in the FTSE 100 can have a more significant effect on the index compared to smaller companies.

If you’re not sure which investments are right for you, please request advice, for example from our financial advisers. If you decide to invest, read our important investment notes first and remember that investments can go up and down in value, so you could get back less than you put in. Inclusion in the FTSE 100 index is a mark of prestige and often indicates a company’s stability, market value, and overall importance within the UK business landscape. The recalibration ensures that the index accurately reflects the changing market dynamics and the relative importance of the constituent companies.

FTSE 100: Key Information Takeaways Copied Copy To Clipboard

To understand the FTSE 100, it’s vital to get to grips with how it actually functions. In this section we’ll explore factors affecting the index, weighting, eligibility and recalibration schedules. These various FTSE indices expand the scope of analysis and investment opportunities, complementing and giving a more robust view than that provided only by the FTSE 100. Understanding the FTSE 100 is crucial for navigating the complex world of investing for both seasoned investors and those just starting out.

The FTSE 100 affects a good number of people in the U.K, in part because most pension funds are invested in the equity markets. The returns that people walk away in pension funds is correlated to the performance of the FTSE 100, given that it accounts for about 80% of the total equity market in the U.K. The share index acts a gauge of how businesses regulated by company Law in the U.K are performing. The index measures the performance of some of the biggest companies by market cap. This is different from full market cap, as it only takes into account floating stock, i.e. those shares that are freely available to trade, and not restricted or closely held stock.

Over the years, the index has proved to be vulnerable more so to earnings reports of top banks in the U.K, as they provide a clear insight as to how the overall economy is doing. The FTSE Group also monitors bonds held and issued by the companies listed as a way of ascertaining their financial stability. HSBC is another high profile inclusion in the FTSE 100 having generated significant shareholder value over the years. Other high profile companies listed in the index include mining giant BHP Billiton with a footprint across the globe, mobile telecommunication giant Vodafone, oil giant BP and mining giant Rio Tinto. The FTSE 100 is composed of a diverse range of companies from various sectors, representing the largest and most prominent companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.

While you may not have heard of every company on the FTSE 100, it contains some of the biggest names in the UK. Initially, the index divisor was designed to keep the Footsie at its original, arbitrarily set level of 1000. This is to ensure the FTSE’s current value can be compared to its historic performance. Since then, its makeup has changed to reflect mergers and acquisitions as well as entering and exiting companies, underscoring its function as a barometer of market activity.


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